Video Marketing on Social Media: 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

Introduction Video marketing has been a popular way to engage and build relationships with customers for a while now, but it’s taken on an even greater significance thanks to the rise of social media. Platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram have ushered in a new era of content sharing and engagement, allowing businesses to reach more people than ever before. Why Should You Use Video Marketing? In addition to reaching your target audience, it’s a great way to build brand awareness and loyalty, as videos are typically more engaging than text-based content. Furthermore, it gives you an opportunity to showcase your company’s personality and values. Video marketing is also incredibly
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social media shortcuts

B2B Social Media Shortcuts for Success

Congratulations! You’ve vowed to make this year the year that social media makes an impact on your inbound marketing efforts. With a solid, proven strategy, and the right data, you can reach your goal. Follow our simple shortcut roadmap to B2B social media success. Most of these shortcuts are free and time-tested, yet they remain underutilized by social media marketers. Whether you have a social media manager in place or you’re considering a service like Emphatic, these strategy shortcuts are sure to deliver improved ROI backed by data. Shortcut #1 Track Social Media Referral Data What if you’re spending the most time, effort, and resources on the wrong B2B social media
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Using Social Media for Sales

As a business owner, you may already know the marketing benefits of having a strong social media presence: it boosts brand visibility, helps with SEO efforts, and offers a multi-channel approach to creating an online presence. What you may not know, is that you can effectively use social media to find and convert leads and grow your sales revenue. Using social media for sales isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and it can easily be done – especially if you already have a social media system (like Emphatic) in place. In fact, outsourcing your social media management is a great first step to take as it consistently puts you right
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7 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Social Media Content

7 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Social Media Content

Active social media profiles are so important to businesses in this digital age. The key word there being “active”. Posting regular social media content provides you credibility by showing off your expertise. It is an essential addition to your other marketing efforts. However, keeping consistent social media content going on your feeds can be time-consuming. Outsourcing your social media content to an expert team is a huge start to in getting time back to actually run your business. We can help with that. Once you have your social media content outsourced, you can take that work that is being completed on your behalf and stretch the benefits even further with
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7 Twitter Tips From Top Authors

7 Twitter Tips from Top Authors

The President tweets, the Pope tweets — even the Queen of England tweets — if they can do it, why can’t you? True, they’ve got a staff of people helping them. (Or, like Emphatic users, they may even have a team of people doing it for them.) If you want to get your own Twitter game together, you could do a lot worse than following the advice of a few famous authors. These seven mistresses and masters of the written word enjoy tweeting as both another means of expression and a smart marketing move. They recently shared their advice in an interview with Hollywood Reporter on how to make the
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social media

Social media: why people really use it

GlobalWebIndex is a U.K.-based company that claims to run the world’s largest market research study on the digital consumer. Its latest quarterly report on social network trends asked almost 42,000 adults in 32 countries — i.e., nearly 90% of the global internet audience — a battery of questions. Their responses give some good food for thought, especially when it comes to a fundamental question which I’ll paraphrase: why are you on social media in the first place? Let me start by killing the suspense: no one seems to have answered, “Why, to see more ads, of course!” No surprise there. In fact, if data from Media Dynamics Inc. is correct…
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Featured Image for 6 Social Media Mindsets To Try in 2015

6 Social Media Mindsets To Try In 2015

Social media networks changed a lot in 2014, are likely to change even more in 2015 and, like everything else, probably at an even faster rate. Is it possible to develop an overall social media approach that works regardless of what changes the networks throw at you? Definitely. Here are some general attitudes and approaches that will allow your brand or business to thrive this year, come what may. 1. The Pro. Woody Allen said that eighty percent of success in life is showing up. I submit: ninety-nine point nine percent of success in social media is showing up. If you’ve started on social then you must do everything within your power
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3 social media tips from the comet-landing robot sensation

You may have heard about the robot that landed on a comet last week. The Rosetta Mission has been quite the social media sensation, with the comet-landing robot Philae Lander earning 380,000 followers on Twitter. Sure, a history-making space mission always has the potential to be a very hot social media topic. But success is never a given, you need flawless execution to make sure an opportunity like this doesn’t go to waste. What, exactly, did the team behind the Rosetta Mission do and what can all marketers do to experience a taste of the same success? Here are 3 Social Media Tips gleaned from the social media team behind the comet-landing robot’s Twitter account.
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Active on social media

How active do you need to be on social media?

Let’s answer this question with two others: How often do you check your own Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? A few times a day? Once a day? Once a week? How many Facebook friends do you have? How many LinkedIn connections? And how many people are you following on Twitter? If you are not on social media 24/7 (we hope not!) and you have a moderate number of social connections then there’s no way you’re seeing all of what’s being shared with you. Seeing your own social media efforts from this viewpoint might help you appreciate just how fierce the battle for eyeballs can be. And if you’re using social media
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Picking just one social media network

Need to pick just one social media network? Read this.

So you finally gave in. For years people have been telling you to put your small business on social media, but you resisted. Sure, you’ve got a personal Facebook profile. Doesn’t everybody? But when it came to social media for business you balked. You weren’t exactly sure what to do. And you sure as heck weren’t sure where you’d find the time amidst your other tasks. But you’re tired of having it hang over your head, like the threat of extinction hung over the dinosaurs. So you’re finally ready to take the plunge. Yet just one question remains, as you ponder, “I only have time for one social network, so which one should I use?” Here
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