7 Facebook Updates To Take Advantage Of In 2019

  One thing you can always count on when it comes to social media marketing is that it is constantly evolving and changing.  Facebook being the largest social media network means constant updates to keep up with.  Now that 2019 is in full force, it is time to take stock in those updates so that you ensure your social media marketing plan is on the right path. Here are seven new Facebook updates to know for 2019. 1. Instagram story shopping Shopping just became that much easier with Instagram stories.  You can now add product stickers so people viewing your stories can now get all the product details they need
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8 Content Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2019

  As we get closer to the new year, now is the time to re-visit your content marketing strategy.  The content you share on your social media pages is at the core of your brand’s connection with your audience.  The content you share with your audience will either help bolster your connection or not.  If you can create content that helps you connect with your audience in an authentic and meaningful way, you will be well on your way to a successful 2019. Here are eight key content marketing trends to keep an eye out for in 2019. 1. Create a content marketing plan and calendar Most small businesses, are spending up to
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Social Media Content: 20 Ideas Of What To Share

    Coming up with great social media content is not easy for any brand.  It takes time and effort to fill your social media calendar each and every month with fresh and engaging content. With that being said, there are many places you can look to for inspiration. Here are 20 great sources for social media content that your followers will love. 1. Customer questions If one of your customers asks a question about your company or product, you most likely have other customers that are wondering the same. Your social media updates are a great place to try and answer these questions. You can create a regular post or
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5 Ways Businesses Can Boost Engagement On Instragram In 2019

    If Instagram is a part of your social media marketing strategy (and it should be) you know that their algorithm has made it that much harder to grow your following.  You have to be strategic about your efforts to create a successful account.  With that being said, there are definitely ways to get the engagement levels you want.   Here are 5 ways to help you boost engagement on Instagram. 1. Stay on top of engagement with your followers The first rule of using social media marketing is to engage as much as possible with your followers, though many brands do not.  Whenever you share a new post
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Six Types of Social Media Content That Will Help Boost Conversions

  When it comes to the content you post on social media, a main goal is to move customers closer to purchasing.  For this reason, it is essential that you determine the types of content that resonate most with your audience. Below are six types of content that will help boost engagement, exposure and conversions. 1. Interactive content Interactive content gives your audience the opportunity to get involved with more than just likes and comments.  Posting content that your audience can interact with has proven to be a big win.  Consider Buzzfeed and their quizzes that are so popular. People love questions they can answer, polls they can take, contests
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Eight Tips for Going Live on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter

  Live video is one of the most effective ways to boost exposure about your business and foster a deeper connection with your audience.  Going live with video can seem intimidating but with the right strategies in place, you will experience higher engagement levels and extended reach.  So let’s get started. Here are seven key tips for going live. 1. Add value Social media is first and foremost about providing value to your followers.  Before you go live, sit down and come up with what you want to achieve with your videos.  The content you plan on using during your live video needs to resonate with your brand. Here are some
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Low Organic Reach Levels on Facebook? Here Are Five Tips To Help Boost Your Reach

  Getting traffic to your website is the main goal of online marketing.  You need it in order to succeed in the online space.  Facebook is one of the key players in generating traffic for businesses and if you are not using it, you need to be. Here are five ways to help boost your brand’s organic reach on Facebook.     1. Boost Your Best Posts to Increase Engagement In order to boost traffic from Facebook, you need as many eyes as possible on your posts.  For this reason, boosting your posts is a good idea.  Keep in mind though, that you need to be sharing great content in
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8 Ways To Help Build Both Credibility And Trust For Your Brand

  Building trust and credibility for your brand is key.  The perception people have of your brand is an essential component of creating a successful company. Listening to a business talk about how great they are just doesn’t cut it in today’s competitive market.  People need to trust a brand before they move forward with it.  If you can do this, you will have an easier time retaining and gaining customers. Here are 8 ways you can build up trust and credibility for your brand. 1. Establish authority One of the first things to do when trying to establish your brand as trustworthy and credible is to establish authority in the
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Looking To Boost Engagement Levels On Your Facebook Page? Here Are 7 Effective Tips You Can Try Today

With every algorithm update, organic reach levels on Facebook go further down. For this reason, what you post is that much more important.  It is essential that the content you are putting together is not only valuable but will also spark a response from you audience generating more meaningful interactions. For those of you that are new to Facebook, engagement is people interacting with your content in these ways: Comment on your posts Liking your content Sharing your content Looking at your posts and/or videos Clicking on your links The more that people interact this way with your content, the higher your engagement levels will be and the more traffic
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Social Listening: How To Find Brand Mentions and Effectively Engage With Them

  People are online everyday engaging in conversations and commentary about businesses.  In order to effectively manage your brand online, you need to monitor conversations taking place about your brand.  This is called social listening.  By employing this very powerful tactic, you will gain real-time, actionable insight into both your business and marketing approach. Here are ways to find brand mentions and how to engage with those fans.   1. How to find mentions of your brand online So you want to find out who is mentioning your brand online.  Those talking about your brand can be anyone from customers, publications, bloggers and anyone in between.  But how do you
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